Eugean Jiwanmall

Company: Independence Blue Cross
Job title: Senior Research Analyst for Medical Policy & Technology Evaluation
Panel Discussion: Strategically Planning CDx Partnerships to Ensure Effective Relationships to Expedite Regulatory Approvals 12:00 pm
Early regulatory involvement in CDx partnerships Setting out clear expectations and requirements to establish effective relationships for quick development and regulatory approval of CDx Strategies to ensure seamless communication and collaboration between pharma, diagnostic developers and regulatory authoritiesRead more
day: day 2
Assessing Reimbursement Policies for LDTs Amid Evolving Regulatory Frameworks to Fast-Track Difficult Policy Adaptions 12:00 pm
Exploring the context behind reimbursement strategies for LDT’s How will reimbursement change as regulation increases? How can pharma prepare to minimize commercial bottlenecks for reimbursement during shifting regulatory frameworksRead more
day: day 1
Fireside Chat: Navigating the Maze of Global Reimbursement Policies for CDx to Facilitate Patient Access to best-in-class Drugs 4:00 pm
Exploring the impact of pricing and reimbursement on patient access Addressing frustrations in product availability for the majority of patients Discussing the role of regulators and industry players in overcoming barriers Highlighting the need for a shift towards value-based reimbursementRead more
day: day 1